Monday, September 21, 2009

Easy way to maintain happy life in stressful conditions

Our life is a rare valuable gift of nature. It is the divine blessing. Accept the life as it is. Life is precious as it gives you opportunity to live and grow as a human being. So live every moment of your life fully.

Life is beautiful and it seems beautiful if you understand it and learn to manage it. It gives you choice of letting things happen or turning the circumstances favorable by sensible discretion. Organize your life with self control, discipline and healthy lifestyle. This little investment of self discipline and healthy life style will grow in such a way that it will fill your life with happiness.

Learn to live stress free. Every one’s life has moments of happiness and sadness, good health and sickness. Take the ups and downs of life in positive spirit. Be alert to identify risk and take sensible steps to minimize them. Fear of bad will only make your life miserable and will hinder your enjoyment of good time. If something happens, face it and again take sensible steps to minimize damage and early recovery. If you want to enjoy game of life, do not be scared of losing, just play with true spirit.

Learn to live in present. Sometimes we waste precious moments of life by brooding about past or worrying about future. The value of past is to learn from it and grow. Future is nothing but outcome of our present thinking and living. Present is life. Live the moments of present to best of your ability and enjoy them at your best. Poorly lived present will soon become bad past.

Whatever happens in life is not by accident but by combination of some factors. Some of these are under our control and some are not. Do not create stress for yourself by worrying about uncontrollable factors but manage circumstances by bringing about positive change in controllable factors. For example growing age is not under our control but being prepared for comfortable old age by healthy living, sensible planning and adjustment to changing circumstances can make your life smooth and pleasant.

Good health is very helpful for a meaningful and happy life. But good health does not come automatically. It requires understanding of causes of sickness. Neither getting too much worried about sickness nor being casual about health is good. One can live healthy life by minimizing sickness causing factors and improving health promoting factors. Make yoga and meditation part of your life. Organized life & good lifestyle goes a long way in giving you good health.

In every person’s life two aspects play very crucial role. One is family & social relations and other is vocation or profession. One can create a happy life by nurturing them in one’s life. Both require good management to help them grow as a strong support system in life. Human relations require good communication and mutual acceptance. One should be sensitive to read the chemistry of relationship and take appropriate measures to avoid any strain in them. Vocation or profession too require careful selection and planning to be a strong support. Your profession can help you financially, socially and can also give you psychological satisfaction.

What to do in difficult and ‘not so happy’ circumstances?
  • First of all, prevention is better than cure.
  • So try to manage life to minimize such state. But if it still occurs, you can still find a way out.
  • In stressful / anxious moments, do not try to avoid it and do not imagine dangerous outcome. This will only increase your anxiety and hinder your ability to find a solution.
  • Think about the possible solutions.
  • Take professional help.
  • Be solution oriented in place of being problem oriented.
  • Do not give up or get disheartened. Have faith and pray.
  • Work on solution with strong belief.
  • As a long term measure, give your life a meaning, a purpose.
  • This will motivate you to keep going even in difficult times.

Life need not be a bed of roses but it can be a pleasant experience even with ups and downs. It has its certainty with element of uncertainty. By managing life to avoid major difficulties and by enduring difficult times, one can grow as a stronger human being, mature and capable. And that is the completeness of life.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Homeopathy Arsenic 30 preventive for H1N1 flu, says CCRH

The Indian Department of AYUSH (alternative systems) has released a press note suggesting use of Arsenic alba 30 one dose for three consecutive days as preventive for Swine flu.
It has the approval of Director General Health Services and Ministry of He...[details]

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO

"People with conditions such as HIV, TB and malaria should not rely on homeopathic treatments, the World Health Organization has warned" was the news on BBC NEWS | Health | Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO. on Thursday, 20 August 2009. I was very much unhappy after reading the views by the doctors from the WHO department of child and adolescent health and development that
"Homeopathy does not focus on the treatment and prevention of dehydration - in total contradiction with the scientific basis and our recommendations for the management of diarrhea."

As per homeopathy system is concerned not a single homeopathic doctor will deny to manage the prevention and treatment of dehydration in case of diarrhea and if someone will go through the Organon of medicine then he will definitely find the advice of fluid replacement for fluid loss. Neither Dr. Hahnemann nor any homeopathic doctor is against this view. I think the misconception is in their(the doctors who known little about homeopathy and its principles) mind about homeopathy and its doctrines.

I am here mentioning the Aphorism No.4 written by Dr. Hahnemann for them(the doctors who are having little knowledge about homeopathy and its principles and telling homeopathy tells this or that on the basis of their mis-believes)
"He is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease and how to remove them from persons in health."

So my kind request, go to a book store or library bring the Organon of medicine book read it thoroghly, understand it, if you can not then take the help of a Organon Professor from a standard homeopathic medical college and tell him to let you understand all the bits of organon of medicine written by Dr. Hahnemann.
And let us know where it has been mentioned that homeopathy has denied prevention of dehydration in case of diarrhoea or any type of fluid loss.

Another point i would like to give attention to all the readers of this blog that it has been said by one doctor from the Royal Liverpool University Hospital that Homeopathy medicines has no action over Malaria.

For malaria in homeopathy:
For malaria (P. Vivax) : China Q(Mother ticture) or Ix, 3X potency
For malaria (P. Falciparum) or malaria resistant to China or uncomplicated choloquine resistant malaria : Chininum sulph(Quinine sulphate) IX, 3X or Q solution
For chonic relapsing malaria(P. vivax) : Malaria officinalis(nosode) 200c, 1m potency
the above mentioned medicine are prescribed PO on assessing the condition of the patient, duraton of illness, vitals, with all accessory and supportive measures. Give to the patient as see what is the effect of homeopathic medicines over malaria.

Any queries regarding this blog post will be appreciated.